Dec 29, 2013

I'm not cut out to be a reckless teen.

Some standout moments: Embracing the cold rain and just dancing to Young the Giant, feeling alive during the Icona Pop set, witnessing the best and most emotional concert of my life during the xx performance after waiting all day.

Dec 28, 2013

I was wondering where the ducks went when the lagoon got all icy and frozen over. I wondered if some guy came in a truck and took them away to a zoo or something.

Orchestra adventures in Washington D.C. and Maryland.

You remind me of home.

Since 2013 is almost over, here are some snapshots from the first half of my year. So high school.

Dec 8, 2013

Eighteen Cool.

A belated birthday post. Feels weird to be growing up.

Nov 15, 2013

No one to blame but myself.

I need to get my life together. I have to start being on top of things in terms of academics, sleep for at least 7.5 hours a night, exercise and stretch at least three times a week, get a new wardrobe, make money, expand Jezie, go to fancy clubs and parties, dance at concerts, explore New York City and eat good food.

I keep saying all of these things but nothing is changing. When will I learn.

Oct 16, 2013

Work until your idols become your rivals.

Everything I want to be:
  • In shape, have abs, be able to do a split and pull-up, have pale clear skin.
    • eat healthier, exercise at least three times a week, aim for 7.5 hours of sleep every night
  • Have as close to a 4.0 gpa as possible, be involved in clubs and have an internship.
    • be ahead in classes, participate every day, build connections
  • Make $200 a month to spend on vacations, nice restaurants, clothing, concerts and adventures.
    • babysitting and bar tending
  • Expand Jezie, make $400 a month and be in a boutique by the end of 2013
    • Allocate five hours a week to work
  • Have 1,000 Lookbook followers and 100 blog followers by the end of 2013
    • Post on Lookbook at least twice a week

Sep 12, 2013

Real life Carrie Diaries.

I can't believe I had the opportunity to attend and photograph a show (Karen Walker Spring/Summer 2014) at New York Fashion Week. It's honestly a dream come true.